Are you interested in any of the below opportunities? Send an email to get involved!

Peninsula Rescue Mission
Work with Apprentice Crew to contribute to the local community in a meaningful way!
Responsibilities include setting tables, washing dishes, meal prep, service, and cleanup
Upcoming Dates on Select Wednesdays from 4:45 pm - 6:30 pm
Use the following form to pick a day you are free to help out!!
January 22nd, February 5th, February 26th, March 5th, and March 26th

Football Game!
We are looking for volunteers to assist with streaming & collecting tickets at the gate!
Contact us at ASSAVolunteer@as.edu if you are interested in helping out.

The Mariners' Park Fall Festival
Parking attendants, beer pourers, games, check-in, etc. It is an all-day event and the shift is typically 11:00 am to 5:00 pm.
Interested? Email ASSAVolunteer@as.edu
Haunted Trail at Endview
Volunteer opportunity with the City of Newport News!
362 Yorktown Road - Newport News, VA 23603

Feed The Homeless
First-time volunteers follow the link to sign the Volunteer Agreement to assist at the Peninsula Rescue Mission!